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Commercial and Residential Tenancies

Landlords and tenants need to work together. There are few contractual relationships like tenancies whereby the good working relationship between landlord and tenant benefits both parties so fundamentally.

Commercial and Residential Tenancies

Litigation involving residential tenancies can be very emotional for the parties. The property in question is the tenant’s home and for the landlord, the same property is most often their only asset. Accordingly, disputes can quickly become expensive, confrontational and stressful. We help our clients navigate through the Residential Tenancy system to resolve disputes quickly and cost effectively.

In the commercial context, a landlord/tenant dispute means the same thing for both parties: the potential to lose business, income or clients/tenants. We assist our clients in understanding their rights and obligations in order to minimize potential business disruption or loss of rental income that almost always accompany a commercial tenancy dispute. Our goal is simple: getting our clients back to business as quickly as possible.